Shipping & Delivery

This applies to all orders within South Africa

    This applies to all orders within South Africa

What is it?

The courier service will collect the parcel from our depot in Cape Town and deliver to your residence or place of work.

When do I get my order?

Deliveries are made during working hours. Normally, delivery can take anything from 24 to 72 hours (if you are in an outlying area). This does not include public holidays and weekends. Keep in mind that certain extreme outlying areas are only serviced by our courier on specific days of the week. We deliver during normal working hours.

What is the cost?

All orders over R400 are now free, regardless of where in South Africa you live. We do not ship outside of RSA.

What are the benefits?

Fast delivery that is done at your physical location - be it home or work.

Can I track my order?

Tracking details are sent via dispatch email from Wellness Warehouse. The tracking link will tell you when you are due to receive your order.

What is it?

Upon placing your order, you can choose to collect from the offered collection points, currently being only the Kloof Store at Lifestyle Centre, Gardens, Cape Town.

When do I get my order?

Your order will be ready to collect within 2-3 working days.

What is the cost?

This is a option.

What are the benefits?

Collect if it is convenient for you. Supplement your online order with fresh produce or other health products.

Can I track my order?

Once your order status is changed to shipped, it means that your order is ready for collection. You can email [email protected] to get a status update.